Thursday, August 19, 2010

Eurostar from Paris to London

Travelling on the Eurostar at high speed from Paris to London was a worthwhile experience. We had to have our passports checked as we were crossing back into the UK. Travelling through Europe we weren't checked after our entry into Berlin. When we went under the English Channel we were disappointed that everything became dark. We were expecting to see fish believing we would be travelling through a glass tunnel similar to Kelly Tarlton in Auckland. Hehehe!!!


Erika said...

What a neat experience on the Eurostaru - you are both looking as if you are thriving on all the new experiences, no longer innocents abroad but seasoned travellers. Hope you enjoy the UK

Ann Sheehan said...

Where are you?? Haven't heard lately. Are you on a cruise or deserted Island somewhere? Have fun and keep smiling.